St. Barts

We are a welcoming and diverse fellowship,

gathering for joyful and contemplative worship,

rooted in tradition.

(St. Barts Community, 2007)

St. Bartholomew’s is is a Christian congregation, affiliated with a larger body of churches called "Episcopal," or "Episcopalian."

Here we learn how to live out the faith of Jesus Christ, as his apostles did. 

These visions and experiences of reconciliation, peace, and joy continue to transform the lives of millions of people. 

Christians and Episcopalians

The Episcopal church is a communion of many different churches all over the world. 

In the Episcopal church, the laity bring the work of Christ into the world in their daily lives. They are the "priesthood of all believers," and are called to do ministry in their daily work.

The Anglican church arose out of a political dispute with the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th century. This was after the west had discovered the new world, the black death had infected Europe, the 100 years war had finished, movable type had been invented, and the first Bibles were now being translated in the vernacular. In a time when both the state and the church were considered ordained by God, they had a conflict that had to do with the inheritance of the British kingdom after a century of conflict. Our polity was created by Queen Elizabeth I, who wove a middle course between radical Protestantism and Roman Catholic imperialism for the sake of peace.

After the revolution, the Episcopal Church in the United States stopped praying for the monarchy and created a governing body that mirrored  our congress. 

Episcopalians are one sect of Christianity that emphasizes the following practices.

We practice our faith with our entire body, using ritual acts to help us pay attention. We stand, kneel, bow, smell, and taste in worship. These practices help us be in the world.

We read and discuss a central book together, a library of texts called “The Bible," or "Holy Scripture." The bible is a compendium of different sorts of texts that reveals the complexity of the human psyche and our relationship to God in history. Through this reading we remember that we are not alone in our challenges, and that we are anchored in a continuous history along with others who have encountered the same text. We have a regular pattern that invites us to read scripture everyday, at a reasonable pace.

What we're known for

Anglicans gather for fellowship and service. Desmond Tutu, the Archbishop of South Africa, says, “Anglicans Meet.” We learn to be companions with one another in a multiplicity of ways. We do this as we gather for church on Sundays; as people who care for one another, who visit, who sing together, who help when times are difficult.

We are a pastoral church. The Anglican church begins its theology from its relationships with other people. And as one Archbishop mentioned, our doctrine arises from gratitude and joy in God, not out of fear.

We collaborate through invitation, not obligation. Although the regular habits of prayer, fellowship, and service are central to who we are as people, we recognize not everyone wants a deeper spiritual life. As Episcopalians, we invite anyone to study and practice the many spiritual gifts and practices our tradition offers.

The Episcopal Church has a deep literary inheritance. The Book of Common Prayer is one of the primary gifts the church has given all of Christianity, not just priests, but for the use of any person. It helps even those who are tongue tied or don't always have the sentiment to pray spontaneously. These words have formed and carried through millions when times have been tough.

Episcopalians live their faith in the world. We do not distinguish easily between living life as a Christian only in a Christian church, but believe that the church should foster fidelity in their institutions of work and play. Because there are nearly a million Episcopalians out there, we have an enormous, if unheralded, impact in our communities.  Our role: stay connected, keep steady, listen. 

St. Barts began as a mission of Grace Church in 1915, the year before White Plains became a city. We became a parish the following year, soon completing construction of our church in 1928. We have sought to serve God through fellowship, a strong music program, pilgrimages, and settling refugees. 

Our church truly represents Westchester. We have young and older families, a few retirees, baby boomers, financiers and lawyers, bus drivers and race car aficionados. We are open to anyone who seeks to be transformed by the love of Christ, or is just looking for some new friends or an easy way to get involved in the community.

We love God, the creator, our Father, the source of power in universe; we love Jesus, who teaches us that we have plenty and enough; and we do this through the Holy Spirit, who brings us together in reconciliation, saying to us "fear not" and "love one another."

Are you ready?

Join us as a companion on this journey.