Your First Visit

We are a gathering of people who seek to grow spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually, We seek to form people who reflect, build roots, listen, and act.

We invite you to explore a community that shares the love of Jesus Christ with each other, and the world. 

When you visit -

Let us know you are here: Please introduce yourself to our ushers and our clergy after the service. They will be thrilled to meet you! You are also encouraged to spend a moment at Coffee Hour to enjoy a muffin and conversation with parishioners. 

What to expect

When you come to church, you will find

SPACE TO REFLECT. Our services include hymns, prayers, and time for silence, as well as Communion and sermons that connect our Scriptures to our lives. Each part offers a different part of an emotional life to reflect on.

SPACE TO BE YOURSELF. Worshipers come from many different places, backgrounds, and perspectives. As you will see, we are black and white, women and men, young and old, liberal and conservative, gay and straight, single and married, from all parts of Westchester.

SPACE TO MAKE CONNECTIONS. Whether it's your first time or your thousandth, there's always an opportunity to get better connected with God and one another. Join us at coffee hour or say hello to our clergy and ushers on your way out. 

What are the services like?

Episcopal services are contemplative.  They offer time to connect with the whole self, the community in prayer, and to God. We offer different ways to experience this. During the summer we have a single English speaking service at 9:30am.

  • Sunday 8:00 AM Spoken Holy Eucharist - is a simple, dignified service using the traditional language of Rite I in the Book of Common Prayer. (From September - June)

  • Sunday 10:00 AM Choral Family Eucharist - is characterized by extraordinary music from our choirs, active congregational singing, the presence of every generation. During the summer we Professional Nursery Care is available at this service
  • Sunday 11:15 AM Service in Spanish with Guitar - is in Spanish, with music and hymns from throughout Latin America. 


We realize that the Liturgy can be daunting for someone experiencing it for the first time and we want to do all we can to help make you a part of it. Service bulletins include all the words of the service. If you're confused, just let the congregation and music carry you forth.

All baptized Christians are welcome to receive Communion. Simply follow the directions of the ushers and come forward to kneel or stand at the altar rail. If you do not wish to receive Communion, you are invited to come forward to receive a blessing.

You Will Not be Embarrassed

When you visit an Episcopal church, you will be our respected and welcome guest. You will not be singled out in an embarrassing way, nor asked to stand before the congregation nor to come forward. You will worship God with us.

Got kids?

Children are born deeply connected with God. 

Children are invited to encounter the Holy and learn the language of faith through scripture, prayer, visual art, music and discussion in a loving community.


Relax! God put the wiggle in children; don’t feel you need to suppress it in God’s house. All are welcome!

You might wish to sit closer to the front so they can see and hear what’s going on.

  • Quietly explain the parts of the service to them.
  • Remember that the way we welcome children in church directly affects the way they respond to the church, to God, and to one another. Let them know that they are at home in His house.
  • If you have to leave the service with your child, feel free to do so. We have activity bags in the narthex (lobby) to help your child get some of the wiggles out. But, if you leave, please come back. Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.”

Becoming a member

We ask that you

Pray. Make prayer with the gathered community a part of your personal spiritual practice by participating in Sunday and/or weekday worship whenever you are able.

Work. Look for a way, however modest or ambitious, to offer your time and talents in God's service as we seek to share the love of Jesus Christ with each other and the world.

Give. Prayerfully commit a portion of your personal or household budget to our common life and ministries by making an annual financial commitment.

(-adapted from Christ Church, Bronxville, May 2018)